Meet Marleigh Kuhn, Class of 2020 Senior from Dee-Mack High School! Some would describe Mar as quiet, others (like me or those that know her well enough) would call her sassy with a hilarious sense of humor. Everyone that meets her would describe her as kind and absolutely stunning!!
After high school, Marleigh plans on attending West Virginia University to major in Forensic Science. That’s a far cry from what she wanted to do when she was a little girl.. she wanted to be a tattoo artist! Somehow, I can see her doing both someday, tee hee! One of Marleigh’s favorite teachers would have to be Mrs. Mac “because her AP Bio class was the most fun class of my high school experience.”
This year, she is most looking forward to her last homecoming. She loves football games and the Pep Band and the band plays fun songs. Marleigh is on the student council, FCCLA, Scholastic Bowl, plays softball, and she is a member of the National Honor Society! Outside of school, she is on the Tremont Torpedoes Swim Team, works at Easter Seals as a lifeguard, and participates in mission trips.
Marleigh would describe her “perfect day” as watching Netflix with a good cup of coffee, and then paddle boarding on the lake and just chilling!
Three things on my bucket list include 1. Skydiving 2. Getting a really big dog 3. Travel to Europe
Here are some of Marleigh’s fun facts and favorites!