Meet Lina Penney, Class of 2021 senior from Metamora Township High School! She was the first Class of ’21 senior to be photographed this year and I couldn’t have been happier to start with this sweet, beautiful girl! Lina admits she is quiet when she first meets someone, but once you get to know her, she is silly and talkative, and super fun to be around!! I agree with this 100%!!
School and Future Plans:
After high school, Lina would love to attend the University of Arizona to major in Veterinarian Science.. she has wanted to be a Vet since since she was a little girl. Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Cooper who teaches American Lit. “She us super funny and laid back, but also cares that you do your work in her class and is successful. She cares deeply about all of her students and is genuinely such a good person. My favorite class was called Veterinarian Technology and I took it in my sophomore year. It was my favorite because it got me more educated on my career and I learned a lot!”
Lina’s favorite school events are a toss up between football games and basketball games. ” have cheered at all these games and there is so much excitement leading up to all the games. Everyone gets into the school spirit, whether it’s wearing our uniforms to school or dressing up for the theme. There is always a huge student section and it’s so fun to be involved in it.”
Outside of school football and basketball cheer, Lina has participated as a competitive cheerleader since she was 8 years old. She decided to take a year off to participate in basketball cheer. “I still volunteer at Titanium to help coach the cheer abilities team. I have coached them for 3 years now and I love it. I’m super proud of winning Summit last year with my team. It has been my dream for the longest time and I am so happy that it happened.”

- Lina’s favorite drink is coffee and if she could eat only one meal for the rest of her life, it would be Chocolate Ice Cream!

- The most unusual thing she has ever eaten is a bite of crab, “but I hate fish!” Her favorite candy is Twizzlers!
- Favorite family recipe: “My mom’s pancakes and French toast. We eat it every year on Christmas Morning.”
- My favorite trip was when we went on a huge road trip into South Dakota, thru colorado into Arizona and Texas. In South Dakota, we saw Mount Rushmore and went to Deadwood. We then went to see the Four Corners and The Grand Canyon. We also went to visit my grandma in Arizona as well. We finally drove into Texas on the way home to visit a family friend and the Alamo.
- “The best thing about my parents is that they have taught me so much. My dad has taught me to be an independent young woman and to be strong and confident. My mom has always been there to listen to my rants and has taught me to care, have empathy for others and to have a strong work ethic. They both have prepared me for the crazy world I’m about to enter after high school. They always have my back no matter what and I really don’t know what I would do without them.”
- Lina loves animals and has lots of pets! ” have three dogs names Lily (Boxer), Diesel (Rottweiler) and Reeses (Mutt). Lily is the puppy that we just adopted, diesel is 5 and Reeses is 8! My family also has many fish and 4 turtles!”
- Favorite childhood memory – “My favorite childhood memory is going on family vacations to different places. My parents goal is to get all the kids to see all 50 states by the time we graduate.”

Three things on my bucket list: 1. Travel to Italy 2. Live in a big city for a bit 3. Adopt a goat

- The most adventurous thing I’ve done was white water rafting and Ziplining in Tennessee.
- On my perfect day, “I would go to a nice beach with my friends and family. Then I would go shopping, tubing on the lake, and layout to get a tan!”
- I grew up on Country music and I would say that is my favorite genre of music. But my favorite artists are James Arthur and Khalid.
- I’m obsessed with goats!
- Favorite Quote: “Everything happens for a reason”