Kelsey Bartman | Class of 2017 | Metamora Township High School

September 1, 2016

I’m SO EXCITED to share this senior session with you!  Meet Kelsey Bartman, Class of 2017 Senior from Metamora Township High School! The first time I met her, she proudly told me that she was a “nerd” because she loved reading and her favorite books were the Harry Potter series… She has even read her favorite book 15 times!  I absolutely love this beautiful, sweet, adorable “nerd” 🙂 🙂  I could take her photograph ALL.DAY.LONG!  We had a blast!


Kelsey would describe her personality as dedicated and determined.. as well as a nerd and athletic, but also a leader. She admits that her parents my call her stubborn!  She loves playing sports and she participates in softball, tennis, and basketball. After high school, Kelsey plans on majoring in biology or pre-med at Austin Peay State or St. Louis University.  We asked her to give advice to incoming freshman and she said, “it may sound cliche but enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast.  Get involved and don’t let fear hold you back!”

One of the moments she is most proud of in her life is being chosen as one of 20 students all over the state to be a member of the IHSA Student Advisory Committee!

Here are some fun facts about Kelsey:

  1. When Kelsey was a little girl, she wanted to be a dolphin trainer.
  2. If she could have any superpower, she would want the ability to read minds because she hates having to guess what people are thinking or their motivations
  3. The tv show Revenge is her favorite show to binge watch
  4. Favorite foreign food ~ Italian
  5. The most unusual food she has ever eaten is cactus
  6. The most daring thing she has ever done was being a presenter at an IHSA leadership convention in front of a large group
  7. If she could travel anywhere in the world, she would go to Italy. “It has amazing architecture and history on top of the art and food!”
  8. Her favorite holiday is the 4th of July because she loves fireworks
  9. Three things on my bucket list are: 1. Stand half in and half out of the rain 2. Swim with dolphins 3. Travel through Europe
  10. “My hero is my dad because he is able to keep his calm in all situations and always thinks things through. He does whatever he can for the family”

Kelsey shared that family was very important to her.  A favorite family trip was one year during Spring break. Her family shared a house with some best friends and they did things as a family.. and visited Florida State to watch baseball and softball.

A favorite family holiday tradition is when “Santa’s elves leave new Christmas pajamas” while the family is at Christmas Eve mass.  “It is the first present we get to open and I remember my brother and I would race to see if the elves left the pajamas every year!”

A favorite childhood memory is a time when we were at the beach when she was very little. The day her family was supposed to leave, her dad got her up at sunrise so she could see the dolphins as the sun rose.

Frozen cherry salad is a favorite family recipe and if she was stranded on a deserted island and she could have one person with her, it would have to be her grandma 🙂

Kelsey.. your senior session was one of the most fun!  I love your gorgeous smile, fun loving attitude, and sweet personality. THANK YOU for letting me capture this special time in your life and making it so memorable.  You are fabulous!   ~ Cindy  XO



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