Keegan | IVC High School | Class of 2018

September 22, 2017

Meet  Class of 2018 senior from IVC, Keegan Rainey!  The last time I took Keegan’s pictures, he was four years old and he ended up having an asthma attack that evening after playing in the leaves for pictures.  #truestory.  Random fact: Besides being allergic to playing in the leaves, he’s also allergic to llamas, LOL.

Fast forward 13 years later, he’s a senior.. and a handsome one at that!  He’s pretty darn funny and sweet too.. the list goes on.  Sorry ladies, he’s taken! 

Keegan is super active in school and plays three sports including Basketball, Baseball, and Football. Basketball is his favorite sport to play and watch because of the constant level of high intensity. He also enjoys playing video games and fishing. Advice to incoming freshman, simple but true.. “stay organazed!”

If Keegan had to describe his perfect day, he would go to the Track Inn for breakfast, then go out on the boat and tube all day followed by dinner at Alexander Street Steak House. He would eat a huge steak and then go to the trampoline park and then go home and sleep!

If he could travel anywhere in the world, he would choose to go to China because it “looks so cool and I like the history behind it”  Three things on his bucket list include: 1. skydiving 2. ride every roller coaster in the world 3. travel to every country.  Another random fact: the craziest thing he has ever eaten, fried worms! Yep, his grade school teacher brought them into his class, eek! The most daring thing he has ever done is the Sling Drop at Mt. Olympus

I loved is family’s unspoken motto: “Mom’s the boss”

Here are some fun favorites of Keegan:

  1. TV show: The Walking Dead
  2. Foreign Food: Mexican
  3. Holiday: Christmas
  4. Singer: The Migos
  5. Family Trip: Daytona Beach/Orlando
  6. Holiday Tradition: eating pies from LeBakery
  7. Childhood Memory: camping
  8. Best Friend: Justin
  9. Meal: fried shrimp and beans from Osteens
  10. Family recipe: Spaghetti

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