“You gotta have Faith!” Everyone needs a little Faith in their life, especially me!! She is a beautiful bundle of energy, positive vibes, happiness, that brings me joy every time we are together. You can’t but love her as soon as you meet her! “I love to make other people laugh and put them in good moods!”
After high school, Faith plans on attending college and majoring in Early Education. When she was a little girl, she wanted to be a pop star (like Hannah Montana)
She is most looking forward to Senior night for dance team. “We have a team meal at our coach’s house beforehand, and it’s the best bonding experience of the entire season. We normally perform a hip hop routine, which is my favorite. The crowd also loves it, so the energy in the gym is super high. It’s normally out best performance of the season.”
Faith’s favorite teacher would have to be Ms. Seiler who teaches her favorite class, choir. “I love how excited she is everyday for class and I know that I can go to her anytime I need too. I love musicals and plays. I enjoy watching my friends up on the stage doing what they love.. it’s always entertaining and overall a very fun time!”
Besides being on the dance team at school, she participates in Madrigals and she’s on the competitive team at the Waterstreet Dance Company. “I love singing and dancing, but I also really love art. I’m not good at art by any means but it’s very fun to try!”
A moment that Faith is most proud of is “during my Sophomore year I was voted dance team captain and i’ve kept that title all the way to senior year. I remember being so excited because dance is something that I truly love to do, and I felt like my efforts were very appreciated and recognized by my teammates.”
4th of July.. All American Girl Themed Session below!

Florida Destination Trip Below!! ↓ We had three themes, nautical, tropical, and boho beach babe! As well as an amazing private boat tour where we enjoyed watching dolphins, and making stops on little islands for pictures!

I’m always in such awe of the way Faith dances and leaps!! Amazing!

Pink, Yellow, and Turquoise Session!

I would describe my “perfect day” would go like this: I would sleep in late, then get a group of my friends together to drive up to six flags and go to fright fest! We would ride every ride and go through all of the haunted mazes (even though they’re crazy expensive)

Food and Family:
- What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? A lot of the food in Spain was very different than what I usual eat. Honestly I couldn’t tell you what was in half of the things I ate!
- Favorite family recipe: My moms biscuits and gravy is the absolute best! I dont know what makes it so great, but I refuse to eat it anywhere else because it will never compare to hers.
- If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Definitely the bacon, egg, and cheese fritter from the MTHS cafeteria!
- Favorite holiday: Halloween
- Favorite family holiday tradition: I love being “Santa” when we open gifts. Which means I hand out everyones gifts and I wait to open mine last. I love seeing how excited everyone gets as they open their gifts.
- Favorite childhood memory: When I was younger we would do family trips to Florida every summer. And I just remember all of the rental houses so specifically because each had something interesting about them. Like one had a projector, and a separate game house, and a hidden treehouse. I remember 9 year old Faith thought that was insanely cool.
- Favorite family trip: Mexico! I don’t remember much because it was a long time ago, but I remember the food being great! The resort we stayed in also had a lot of shows and activities for kids which was really cool too.
- What is the best thing about your parents? I love that they’re always there for me, and I know that whatever I choose to do thay’ll both support my decision. (even though they don’t always agree with it lol)

Sunflower Themed Session below ↓↓

Random Fun Faith Facts
- The most daring thing I have ever done is going to Spain! Just the fact that it was the longest and farthest i’ve been away from home, and I stayed with people I had never met before. It was an amazing experience, but also a little scary at first.
- Who is your favorite singer and/or band or song? I was a HUGE one direction fan, I think I saw them in concert at least six times? I still listen to Harry Styles’ music. I also love Ed Sheeran.
- Name three things on your bucket list: 1. Skydiving 2. Meet a Celebrity 3. Buy a ferrett
- My hero is my sister Brittney, because she has such a strong personality. I can go to her about everything, and she always seems to know what to say. I really admire her perseverance.
- What advice would you give incoming high school freshman? Learn how to healthily balance your school work and your social life. Also do!!! not!!! procrastinate!!!
- Do you have any nicknames: Pumpkin butt, faitha, and squeaker
- Why did you choose Shelby Photography for your senior portraits photographer? I got a lot of recommendations from friends, and I really loved the photos I had seen. I love how different and personalized each shoot is. None of them really look similar.