Meet the bubbly, easy-going, super-fun, super-duper sweet, and B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L, Class of 2020 senior, Emily Hilst from Delavan High School!
After high school, Emily plans on attending SIUE to major in either Psychology or History Education. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Dare because he makes every class interesting and he’s always willing to answer questions and help with anything. Emily’s favorite two classes are her film or history class. She has been very active in school and participates in Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Student Council (President), FCA, Spanish Club, Science Club, DGAC, Hopewell District Board (Treasurer) and National Honor Society.

“My “perfect day” would depend on the season at the time. But it would start with sleeping in, eating a good breakfast and going hiking through beautiful scenery. I would then read a book and take a nap and then go out to eat somewhere I haven’t been with a group of my best friends.”

Three things on my bucket list include: 1. I want to see the Northern Lights. 2. Go skydiving. 3. Visit 5 countries or more!

- The most unusual thing I have ever eaten is a Daikon Radish
- If I could eat only one meal for the rest of my life, it would be some kind of pasta or fruit
- Favorite family recipe: My mom’s peanut butter cookie brownie recipe. I love the way they taste. We always call it a crownie in my family!
- My favorite family trip was going to the Ozarks this past year with my family and our family friends because I had people there my age to talk to and I had a blast getting to lay out on the lake.
- Sledding and playing in the snow with my older cousins when I was younger is my favorite childhood memory.
- The best thing about my parents is that they have been supportive of me when when it has been difficult. “When my best friend passed away last year it would’ve been so much harder to make it through without having both of my parents’ support through that time.”
- Favorite holiday: Christmas
- Favorite holiday traditions: My favorite part of the holidays is my maternal grandparents coming home from Texas. We always have Christmas Eve at their house and then the next day we go to my paternal grandparents house on Christmas day.

“A moment that I’m proud of is when I volunteered to help my church with a program called Angel Tree. Angel Tree is a non profit organization that donates toys to children during Christmas that have parents in prison/jail. I had a lot of fun doing this because it was so awesome to see how happy they got when they got their gift.”

Random Fun Facts:
- My favorite sport to watch and play is basketball
- Favorite singers: NF, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Three Days Grace, Post Malone, and REO Speedwagon
- I have double jointed elbows
- Nicknames: Em, Emmy, and Hilsty
- What’s your favorite color to wear? I love to wear navy or maroon because I love the way it looks with my complexion and I think it makes some of my facial features pop.
- The most daring thing I have ever done is zip-lining
- If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Bora Bora or Alaska. I would go to Bora Bora because of how beautiful it is and how clear the water is and i would want to lay in the shallow waters and feel the warm sun on my face. I want to go to Alaska because it is also beautiful just in different ways. I would want to go hiking and view all the wildlife. It has also been a dream of mine to see the Northern Lights.
- Usual school style: I usually wear a t shirt or a sweatshirt with high waisted jeans and high top converse. Or I wear high waisted jeans with a sweater or form fitting shirt or blouse.
- Favorite clothing stores: AE, Francescas, and Target
- Why did you choose Shelby Photography to photograph your senior pictures? Shelby Photography have done pictures for my cousin Brooke before and I thought those turned out wonderfully! I also love how clear the pictures come out and how they are creative and evolve throughout time.