Meet the lovely Alexandra Raine, Class of 2019 senior from Washington Community High School. Thinking about this beauty makes me smile because she has the funniest personality that is so contagious that you just can’t help but LOVE her. She is fun-loving, outgoing, friendly, and absolutely stunning!
Allie would describe her perfect day starting off with a delicious breakfast of waffles and bacon and then going to work at the Vet clinic because she LOVES the people she works with. “My perfect day would to include school or cheer practice, LOL”. She looks forward to graduation because all of the long nights, hard work and stressful days from the past four years in high school will finally be worth it! Allie’s favorite class is Anatomy because the “human body and it’s function is fascinating to me!” She wants to attend the University of Illinois and major in Healthcare. “I want go go to med school, become a cardiovascular doctor and have tons of dogs! I love all animals! Like all of them, I have a snake, 2 rats, 4 dogs, and a cat.”
Allie is a cheerleader and her favorite high school event is football games because “every night I was able to cheer for the number one team in our conference!” She also participates in Washington Leadership Club and Fitness Club.
Here are some of Allie’s fun facts and favorites:
- My favorite childhood memory was when we all went to Disney world
- My favorite family trip was to Mexico, because we did so many fun things and my older sister flew out from California to join us.
- The best thing about my mom is her unconditional love. She is my hero because she has been through so much yet still remains strong.
- My favorite holiday tradition is when my entire family spends Christmas Eve together and we all stay the night at my grandparents.
Food and Style:
- What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? Eel or Octopus
- What’s your favorite family recipe? Mikell meltdown. It’s a secret recipe

- If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi
- What is your favorite fashion trend right now? Scrunchies! A hairtie you can match to your outfit?! Yes please!
- What’s your favorite color to wear? Yellow because it looks so good with my skin tones.
- What’s your usual school style? I like to look cute at school so a cute top, funky earrings, and cute shoes.
- What are your favorite clothing stores? H and M and American Eagle
This and That:
- What did you want to be when you were a little girl? I wanted to be a Marine Biologist.
- What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? Cliff diving in Mexico
- If you could travel any where in the world where would you want to go? I would go to Italy because it’s is a beautiful place with a lot of beautiful history.
- Who are your favorite singers? Adele, Rihanna, and Sam Smith
- What is the moment you are most proud of? I’m most proud of the moments that I volunteer at the Special Olympics. The smiles on the kid’s faces when I hand them awards is just amazing!
- What are three things on your bucket list? 1. Meet Beyonce 2. Visit all 7 Wonders of the World 3. Learn a 3rd language
- I can speak 2 language
- Why did you choose Shelby Photography to be your senior photographer? I saw my older friends getting pictures done with Shelby photography and they’re pictures were amazing. I love how their personalities were captured and I am completely blown away by how beautifuly she portrays the models and her camera skills.